Thursday, August 31, 2006

Lorelai's Suspicions

Soon after Korey Jitmakuson joined the household, Lorelai noticed things...little things. Ornamental items from the garden disappeared. Money from her prized money trees was less than before. One day she caught her son-in-law harvesting the cash.

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"Korey," Lorelai said, "what are you doing?"

"Oh, I saw they needed harvesting and thought I'd do it since you were busy. Here you go." He handed her the money from the trees, but she thought he looked very nervous as he walked away.

Lorelai sighed to herself. Kira had recently announced she was pregnant. She and Korey had only been married a few months. Lorelai had tried to like her son-in-law, but was finding it impossible. A lot of strange women would call for him. He would answer the phone laughing and smiling, then stop speaking as soon as Lorelai would walk by. Kira would defend him, but Lorelai knew she had to say something.

She finally caught Kira in the master bathroom one evening.

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"Honey, you know I love you, but I have to talk to you about Korey."

"Mom, we've been through this. Besides, he told me about the money tree. He said he won't touch them again."

"Kira, it's not just that. I mean, he quit his job at the school. He's living on our money. He just hangs out all day or goes into town. Why does he go downtown? He has no job. What is he doing?"

"I don't remember Daddy having a job when I was growing up. Didn't he live on your family's money too?"

"Your father did keep his job, for a long time, then after a while he was able to sell that business for a substantial sum of money. Korey doesn't seem to want to do anything."

"Mom, you just don't understand. He's finding himself, and I am totally for it."

"Kira, you're expecting a child! You don't need to do this to yourself or your child."

"Do what, Mom? I have a husband that I love, we're having a baby, you can't change that. You couldn't even kick me out when you found out we were already married. Now just leave us alone." Kira stormed out of the bathroom as quickly as her pregnant legs would carry her.

"Please let her be right." Lorelai prayed.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Kira's Wedding

"She's married, Robi! She married a man twice her age! Without telling us, without getting married in our family chapel, without having her picture made!" Lorelai cried on her husband's shoulder.

"Honey, it's okay. It will work out. Maybe you're wrong about him, maybe he does really love her." Robi caressed his wife's long hair, trying to soothe her.

"I'm not wrong! He's all wrong for her, he cares nothing about her. All he wants is our money!"

"Did she tell you what happened?"

"Yes, she did. She said she knew I wouldn't be happy about the relationship, so they snuck off. They went to a park near the college the day after graduation. They hired a pastor to perform the ceremony. Apparently the paperwork was completed months ago, just after Kira turned 18. Oh, I can't believe it, my baby married in a park, and I wasn't able to be there!" Lorelai's tears started fresh.

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"I understand how you feel, Lorelai, but we can't ask them to leave. This is Kira's home. We need to do what we can to welcome Korey into our home as well."

"I just don't like him, Robi. He's not a good person."

"I know, Honey, I know. We'll just have to see what happens." Robi hugged his wife tightly as her tears began anew.

Monday, August 28, 2006

The Ride Home

"Mom, remember that friend I told you about, my special friend."

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"Kira, if you have a boyfriend just tell me. It's okay, you are an adult now."

"I just don't want you to be angry when I tell you this. He's, well, he's older than me."

"Older? How much older?"

"Well, like almost as old as you and Dad."

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Lorelai was quiet. She didn't know what to say for a long time. She finally spoke.

"Kira, who is this man?"

"Korey Jitmakuson, the headmaster from my high school."

"Kira!" Lorelai was shocked. "He didn't start anything with you while you were in school, did he?"

"Mom!" Kira was angry.

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"We both felt it, it wasn't just him. He was a perfect gentleman. He encouraged me to finish high school and college, we knew it was right to wait. He's asked me to marry him, he knows all about the legacy thing and that we have to live on the property. He's fine with that."

"I'll bet he's fine with that! Do you know how much you are worth, Kira? Any man would love to get his hands on our money."

"Korey isn't like that, Mom. He's not. He loves me, he's loved me for years. We're finally going to be together."

"Is he married?"

"No, Mom. He's divorced. He actually has a son named Tyson. I've met him, he's really nice. He's about 2 years older than me. He gradutated from Sim State."

"Maybe you should date him instead."

"Mom, be reasonable. I'm in love."

"Kira, you know the requirements of your great-grandfather Mark. At least one child must continue to live in this house or the estate is given to Bailey's Ravine historical society. You are my only child, so you are the heir to this estate. I do have to say this, though. If you marry this man you will be asked to leave the house. Do I make myself clear?"

"Mom, that means you and Dad...everything would be lost."

"Not everything. There is a stipulation that we can take some of the money with us to live on and set up house somewhere else, but the bulk of the estate would be gone, the house included. Tell your fiance that you can't live on the estate, you have no money, and see what he says then."

"Well, Mom, I guess we have a problem then." Kira said, clenching her fists on the steering wheel.

"What's that?"

"We're already married. He's meeting me at the house tonight."

Friday, August 18, 2006


Whoopee! Finally, the day has come!

My present arrived this morning - pearl earrings from Mom and Dad. Mom is coming to the ceremony and the party at the house afterwards. Here's a picture of the earrings.

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And yes, I did get my hair done and buy some new clothes. I love the new color, it's a lighter brown than I'm used to, but I love it!

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I even got a henna tattoo on my face. Mom wasn't happy about it because you can really see in it my graduation picture, but I thought it was great.

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The night before graduation I sat with my roommate, Chandler, and we watched the game. He's kinda cute, and he likes things that I like, but he's just a buddy.

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After the party I changed into my regular clothes and drove with Mom back home. I guess I'm now an adult.

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I'm going to talk to her about my boyfriend on the way home. We'll have a long time to talk since it's a 6 hour drive. I hope she'll be understanding. We have decided to get married next month.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

From Simmer in Charge - Son having blog problems

My son went to post on his blog and has a problem - we can't remember his username, the email he used or his password! So we had to write to blogger for help. Once he gets information from them he'll post again. If it doesn't work out, then he'll start over. Hopefully this can be fixed soon.

Secret Society

Mom couldn't believe it when I told here that there really was a secret society on campus! Those people I met, Scott and Aiyana and whatshername, they put me in for membership! I had no idea what was going on at first. I was about to sit in the hot tub for a while to relax when this guy in a limo pulled up and started doing this chicken dance.

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The limo took me to this really neat house. Scott was there with some other girl. They gave me a blazer and took my picture.

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I roamed around the house for a while, wishing I could live there! They had computers and video games and all these cool gadgets. I thought about getting a nose job while I was there - they had a machine that could do face lifts and surgery with lasers, no doctor needed! But I decided against it, I figured Mom would kill me. But I did find something I really loved!

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Not that I really NEED the money, but any amount is better than nothing, right?

Oh, and my boyfriend - my secret one - has asked me to marry him when I graduate! Only one more year to go and I am free to be with the one I love!

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Kira at College

I am loving college! My mom's family owns a house here on campus and everyone in the family attends college at Academie La Tour. I can see why. I love the campus and the classes are great! I'm majoring in Economics. I wanted to be in business, but then I decided to do something different. I think I'll go into politics instead once I graduate.

I've made lots of friends here. I met some people my first day just by hanging around outside. I also went to the Student Center and the Lounge. Yes, I did some studying too, but there is a this great guy that hangs around like a puppy dog. He'll do my homework for me and all I have to do is feed him supper :)

I met Brooke outside the house, she lives in a dorm on campus. She came over for a movie and bowling one night.

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I also met this guy, I don't remember his name though. He's pretty cool.

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When I went to the Student Center I met a few people with these neat blazers on. I remember seeing some of the same ones in our storage closet back home. Mom said that some of her relatives wore these at college, but she didn't know what they were all about. There were rumors of secret societies on campus, but she thought they were all rumors.

I met Scott, Aiyana, and this other girl. I seriously wish I would quit blanking on names! It's so embarrassing.

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I also have a boyfriend, but it's a secret. We kind of started something a while back, but had to keep it quiet because of my age. Now that I'm legal, he still wants to keep it quiet because he wants me to finish college. Plus, he thinks Mom and Dad will be really pi**ed off. But I love him, so I'll do whatever. I know we'll be together after college is over. I explained that in order to keep Mom's house, the one her family has lived in for years, I have to move back there and raise my family there. He said it would be okay, he loves the house as much as I do.

But we have to keep our relationship quiet for now. I'll graduate in 4 years and we can be open about it then.

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Lorelai and Robi's Anniversary

Kira is doing so well in her new school. All the bad memories of the past are slowly fading away. Now that she is doing so well, Robi and I were able to really celebrate our anniversary. I love him so much, I can't believe we've been married now for 16 years!

We went to dinner at a fancy restaurant overlooking the ravine. It was so romantic.

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After dinner we went out onto the deck of the restaurant. They had a combo playing, so Robi asked me to dance.

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It wasn't long before he grabbed me and pulled me close. I love dancing with my husband.

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It was a wonderful anniversary.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Dinner with the Headmaster

We had dinner with the headmaster 2 days ago. He wasn't very impressed with the house, even though we had books and musical instruments and other study stuff all over the place. He did like Mom's cooking though! We talked and I told him about wanting to go to college. We got along great.

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He must have liked us, though, because before he left he shook my hand and welcomed me to Bailey's Ravine College Prep Academy! Today was my first day!

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Saturday, August 12, 2006

My Birthday By Kira Forbes Charvatt

My birthday was yesterday. I'm finally a teenager! I never thought this day would come!

It was only a few months ago that I was taken from my family by a woman named Dagmar Bertino. I spent one day with her, scared that I would never see my family again. But my parents showed how much they loved me and came to my rescue. They really do love me and show that every day. I hope I can share that same love with my kids one day.

My party was really cool. Mom and Dad goofed off and made funny faces.

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I blew out my candles and I immediately felt different. I knew I was older!

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Mom got me a great present! She'd bought some new clothes for me and she paid to have a makeup person come do a makeover for me. I decided to have my hair cut so I wouldn't look so much like a little girl. Mom thinks I look very nice. I can't wait to go to school in my new outfit :)

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Since I'm doing so well in school, my counselor suggested to Mom and Dad that I may want to attend private school to better prepare for college. We're meeting with the headmaster of the local private school in two days. I hope I can get in. It's very important to me.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Kira's Story

The next morning Detective Muller arrived just after breakfast. We sat in the living room to hear Kira tell her story about what happened. Before she spoke, I gave her a big hug and told her how happy I was that she was home with us again.

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"Kira, why don't you tell us what happened?" Detective Muller said, opening his notebook once more.

"I met Auntie Dag a few months ago. She was a volunteer at my school. She heard my name and said she knew Mommy and my grandma and grandpa too. We played chess at school together a lot. She said she had some toys at her house she wanted to give me so she asked me to come over. But she said it was a surprise for Mommy and Daddy so I couldn't tell them. I'm sorry, Mommy, I know I shouldn't go anywhere without telling you."

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"That's okay, honey. Just explain to the policeman what happened."

"I went to her house after telling Daddy I was going to visit my friend Vonie. I'm sorry, I lied, Daddy." Kira looked at her father and began to cry. I hugged her again and told her everything would be okay.

"When I got to her house she was very happy and she hugged me, just like in school. She said she had always wanted a little girl but wasn't able to have one, and that's why she worked at school, so she could be around kids. She gave me some toys and then gave me dinner. When I started getting dark, I wanted to go home, but she said she had called Mommy and Daddy and that it would be okay for me to spend the night. I got scared then, because I had never spent the night somewhere else before. But she wouldn't let me call home or leave. I slept in her guest room and asked to go home the next morning, but she wouldn't let me. I started to get scared."

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"After lunch, I asked to go home again, but she got really mean and said that Mommy and Daddy didn't love me anymore. She said she was going to adopt me and we would be together forever. I got really mad at her then and she made me sit in the guest room all afternoon. Then she said if I was good we would go to the park. I thought if I could get to the park that I could find a policeman to help me get home."

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"We went to the park and played chess. I was looking around for a policeman but didn't see one. She wouldn't let me leave, not even to go to the bathroom. She made hamburgers for dinner, but I told her I didn't want one. She yelled at me again and made me cry. After that, I heard the policeman shout at her and then I saw Mommy and Daddy running to me! I was so happy they had found me! But I'm so mad at her for taking me away from you!"

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I hugged my daughter close to me once more. "Detective, do you have everything you need? We really need to be alone with Kira now."

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"Yes, I think that's got it. Dagmar Bertino will be locked away for a long time now, and she won't have access to anymore of that elixer that was being sold for a while. Apparently she stockpiled it in her house. You shouldn't have any more trouble from her."

"I hope not, Detective," I said, but worry still lurked in back of my mind.

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Kira's Missing, part 6

"We know this is the park nearest to the area from the phone call." Detective Muller said. "Wear these disguises, and keep your head down. We don't want her to see us."

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Robi and I were in disguise. We were at Sunshine park, waiting to see if Dagmar would show up with Kira. It had been 24 hours since I'd seen my daughter and my heart broke each time I thought of her.

We sat on a bench and waited, pretending to read the paper. It began to get dark. We were about to give up when I saw a familiar face.

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"Robi!" I whispered, grabbing his arm. He looked up from under the brim of his hat. He saw her too. He motioned to the policemen and they began moving around. They wanted to keep Dagmar within their sight.

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She made her way over to the chess table with Kira in tow. I watched as they sat down to play.

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I ached to run over to her and grab her, but the police were making motions for me to stay back. I was torture, watching my daugher with that woman, the woman who tried to destroy my family now 3 times!

A few minutes later the game ended and Dagmar brought Kira a hamburger to eat. At least I knew he had been eating. I heard her voice over the noise in the park.

"But Auntie Dag, I don't want a burger. I want my mom to make me some spaghetti."

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"Be quiet and eat!" Dagmar yelled at my daughter. Kira looked upset and confused, but she began to eat the burger.

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"Auntie Dag, when will I go home? I want to see my family." Kira asked after she had finished her dinner.

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"I told you, Dear. I'm your family now. Remember."

"But I want to go home!" Kira held out her hands, pleading with Dagmar.

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"I've told you to shut up and be quiet! You are home! Your mother doesn't want you anymore! She told me herself!"

My heart broke seeing my little girl's face. "Don't believe her, Kira! I love you so much!" I whispered to her. I saw the police closing in. Suddenly, they leaped out of bushes and from behind buildings. Dagmar saw them and panicked.

"Hands up!" Detective Muller yelled, his gun drawn and aimed at Dagmar.

Her hands in the air, Dagmar knew she was caught. "I knew I should have left this morning!" she said to herself.

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I ran over to Kira and hugged her tight. "Oh, my baby! You didn't believe her, did you? Don't you know I love you?"

"Yes, mom, I know. I thought she was nice, but she wasn't. She's a very mean lady."

"Yes, she is. Oh, baby, I'm so glad you're home! You're dad is here too. Let's go home."

Robi met with us and we walked over to Detective Muller.

"We want to go home, Detective," I said.

"I understand that, but we do need to speak to Kira. She needs to tell us what happened."

"Can it wait until tomorrow?"

Detective Muller thought for a moment. "Okay, tomorrow then. We need to hear her story."

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I put Kira to bed that night then stood in her room, just looking at her. I was so happy that she was back where she belonged.

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