Thursday, August 10, 2006

Kira's Missing, part 6

"We know this is the park nearest to the area from the phone call." Detective Muller said. "Wear these disguises, and keep your head down. We don't want her to see us."

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Robi and I were in disguise. We were at Sunshine park, waiting to see if Dagmar would show up with Kira. It had been 24 hours since I'd seen my daughter and my heart broke each time I thought of her.

We sat on a bench and waited, pretending to read the paper. It began to get dark. We were about to give up when I saw a familiar face.

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"Robi!" I whispered, grabbing his arm. He looked up from under the brim of his hat. He saw her too. He motioned to the policemen and they began moving around. They wanted to keep Dagmar within their sight.

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She made her way over to the chess table with Kira in tow. I watched as they sat down to play.

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I ached to run over to her and grab her, but the police were making motions for me to stay back. I was torture, watching my daugher with that woman, the woman who tried to destroy my family now 3 times!

A few minutes later the game ended and Dagmar brought Kira a hamburger to eat. At least I knew he had been eating. I heard her voice over the noise in the park.

"But Auntie Dag, I don't want a burger. I want my mom to make me some spaghetti."

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"Be quiet and eat!" Dagmar yelled at my daughter. Kira looked upset and confused, but she began to eat the burger.

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"Auntie Dag, when will I go home? I want to see my family." Kira asked after she had finished her dinner.

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"I told you, Dear. I'm your family now. Remember."

"But I want to go home!" Kira held out her hands, pleading with Dagmar.

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"I've told you to shut up and be quiet! You are home! Your mother doesn't want you anymore! She told me herself!"

My heart broke seeing my little girl's face. "Don't believe her, Kira! I love you so much!" I whispered to her. I saw the police closing in. Suddenly, they leaped out of bushes and from behind buildings. Dagmar saw them and panicked.

"Hands up!" Detective Muller yelled, his gun drawn and aimed at Dagmar.

Her hands in the air, Dagmar knew she was caught. "I knew I should have left this morning!" she said to herself.

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I ran over to Kira and hugged her tight. "Oh, my baby! You didn't believe her, did you? Don't you know I love you?"

"Yes, mom, I know. I thought she was nice, but she wasn't. She's a very mean lady."

"Yes, she is. Oh, baby, I'm so glad you're home! You're dad is here too. Let's go home."

Robi met with us and we walked over to Detective Muller.

"We want to go home, Detective," I said.

"I understand that, but we do need to speak to Kira. She needs to tell us what happened."

"Can it wait until tomorrow?"

Detective Muller thought for a moment. "Okay, tomorrow then. We need to hear her story."

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I put Kira to bed that night then stood in her room, just looking at her. I was so happy that she was back where she belonged.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! - too funny, them in their hats on the bench! Yeah! Kira's home safe & sound, whew! Maybe they can finally have some peace.

9:44 PM  

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