Friday, October 28, 2005

From Simmer in Charge

I recently started playing Sims less than a year ago. I immediately got hooked on the game and now have it on Playstation 2, the original Sims on PC with the Hot Date expansion pack and now I have Sims 2 with the University expansion pack. I mostly play Sims 2 University now. I recently discovered many Sims 2 legacy blogs, so I decided to start my own legacy family.

First, some back ground on the neighborhood.

Bailey's Ravine is a self-created neighborhood. It began with 3 families created by me and later a 4th was added as a downloaded family. The neighborhood is growing in leaps and bounds. Currently the 2nd generation children from the founding 3 families are attending college. Most of the first generation elders have died, leaving their children and grandchildren to carry on building the community. This is where I plan to have my legacy family build their lives. You'll also be introduced to the 3 families who started the community as I'm sure the legacy family will interact with them.

This is how I normally play Sims 2 - I play each household for 1 sim week at a time. With multiple families and kids in college you can see how that will be time consuming. For the young adults in college, I'll play 1 full college year at a time. This keeps the ages close to reality instead of having a parent be an elder at the same time as a child. The legacy family will find it's place in my system of play. I also have a life outside of playing Sims2 - family, work, etc. so I cannot promise how often I will update. I will say I will make an effort to update at least once a week on the legacy family.

The stories will be written as if by the Sims themselves. I'll only add notes as needed.

The next post will be about my new Legacy family, so stay tuned :)