Saturday, March 15, 2008

Why no more updates

When I upgraded to Open for Business I ended up losing my McBeth family and that's why there are no more updates. Plus I was kind of tired from playing the Forbes family. If you notice most of the later generations only had 1 child. It got to where it was hard to enjoy playing when I felt like all I was doing was taking photos and blogging. Anyway, I've played the game for a couple years now without doing photos or blogging and have all the new expansions. I can only play on my laptop, though, as my CD Rom in my desktop isn't working right and won't read the disk. That narrows down when and where I can play. I may start a new legacy now that I have Seasons because I think it will be interesting to see if my legacy founder can build shelter before winter.

I've been playing Veronaville on my laptop legacy style for the past 2 years. I have so many families right now it's hard to keep up with them all. I'm almost out of room for them all and they are all living in Veronaville, downtown, and in Bluewater. I did have a hack to allow adults to live in University but I removed it. But I do need the room. I may start to blog those families as I play them in order and introduce them all to you. I'm not having all of them have kids, though. I'm playing the college roommates and having them move out but they are usually on their own and they stay alone till they die. I know, it's sad. But I just don't have room for more families.

So stay tuned. You may see some Veronaville families here soon. I do have 2 aliens married to one another. One is 1/2 alien and is the product of an abduction and his wife's mother was an alien, so I don't know if I should say she is 1/4 alien or 1/2 alien since the mother was already an alien character in Veronaville. I was thinking it would be interesting to follow an alien family and see if the DNA ever changes.


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