Friday, November 03, 2006

Tragedy Prevented

After everything the family had been through, they thought it impossible that another tragedy would strike them. However, one night after Margaret had been working at her salon, she collapsed on the sidewalk in front of the house, a dark figure standing over her. Malcolm ran outside and fell to his knees, praying that his sister would be spared. He couldn't lose her too!

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Suddenly Margaret opened her eyes and seemed to float off the ground.

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She was alive! She hugged her brother, and told him what happened.

"I saw Father," she said. "He appeared to me, then I fell over and everything was cold. Then I heard you praying and I got warm again. You saved me, Brother. God forgive me for being selfish and angry with you."

"Oh, Margaret, you are my dear sister and I couldn't live without you." Brother and sister hugged each other tightly. "Don't feel you must care for me forever, Sister. Thank you for all you do for me, and when the time comes, you must do what you wish for yourself."


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