Friday, August 11, 2006

Kira's Story

The next morning Detective Muller arrived just after breakfast. We sat in the living room to hear Kira tell her story about what happened. Before she spoke, I gave her a big hug and told her how happy I was that she was home with us again.

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"Kira, why don't you tell us what happened?" Detective Muller said, opening his notebook once more.

"I met Auntie Dag a few months ago. She was a volunteer at my school. She heard my name and said she knew Mommy and my grandma and grandpa too. We played chess at school together a lot. She said she had some toys at her house she wanted to give me so she asked me to come over. But she said it was a surprise for Mommy and Daddy so I couldn't tell them. I'm sorry, Mommy, I know I shouldn't go anywhere without telling you."

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"That's okay, honey. Just explain to the policeman what happened."

"I went to her house after telling Daddy I was going to visit my friend Vonie. I'm sorry, I lied, Daddy." Kira looked at her father and began to cry. I hugged her again and told her everything would be okay.

"When I got to her house she was very happy and she hugged me, just like in school. She said she had always wanted a little girl but wasn't able to have one, and that's why she worked at school, so she could be around kids. She gave me some toys and then gave me dinner. When I started getting dark, I wanted to go home, but she said she had called Mommy and Daddy and that it would be okay for me to spend the night. I got scared then, because I had never spent the night somewhere else before. But she wouldn't let me call home or leave. I slept in her guest room and asked to go home the next morning, but she wouldn't let me. I started to get scared."

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"After lunch, I asked to go home again, but she got really mean and said that Mommy and Daddy didn't love me anymore. She said she was going to adopt me and we would be together forever. I got really mad at her then and she made me sit in the guest room all afternoon. Then she said if I was good we would go to the park. I thought if I could get to the park that I could find a policeman to help me get home."

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"We went to the park and played chess. I was looking around for a policeman but didn't see one. She wouldn't let me leave, not even to go to the bathroom. She made hamburgers for dinner, but I told her I didn't want one. She yelled at me again and made me cry. After that, I heard the policeman shout at her and then I saw Mommy and Daddy running to me! I was so happy they had found me! But I'm so mad at her for taking me away from you!"

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I hugged my daughter close to me once more. "Detective, do you have everything you need? We really need to be alone with Kira now."

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"Yes, I think that's got it. Dagmar Bertino will be locked away for a long time now, and she won't have access to anymore of that elixer that was being sold for a while. Apparently she stockpiled it in her house. You shouldn't have any more trouble from her."

"I hope not, Detective," I said, but worry still lurked in back of my mind.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay to Kira getting home to where she belongs!

Love the drama you add to the family :)

7:20 PM  
Blogger suzie sim said...

I love the facial expressions - Kira's a very animated talker! I'm glad she's home & safe - I hope we never hear from Auntie Dag again!

9:38 AM  

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