Lorelai heard shouting from the living room. She entered to find Kira arguing with Korey. It had been going on for some time and had only gotten worse over the past month. Lorelai had also found more money missing, but hadn't mentioned it to Kira.
"You aren't going anywhere, you b*tch!" He screamed. Korey was drunk and still dressed in his underwear. He apparently hadn't gone into town that day.
"I'll go where ever I please, and don't ever call me that!" Kira yelled back.

"Hey!" Lorelai yelled at Korey. "You stop yelling at my daughter right now! She's pregnant, you idiot!"
"Stop telling me what to do, you old hag!" Korey raised his hand as if to slap Lorelai.

"Korey," A loud voice, steady but calm, spoke from the doorway. "I want you out of my house." Robi said.
"Gladly." Korey stormed into the master bedroom and soon appeared with a suitcase in his hands. He slammed the door shut behind him.
Kira slumped down onto the sofa and began to cry. As Lorelai moved to the sofa to comfort her, she cried out, clutching her stomach.
"Mom," Kira said, looking up through tear filled eyes, "I'm in labor."