Friday, June 30, 2006

Kira Charvatt born

The Forbes-Charvatt family is happy to announce the birth of Kira Louise Charvatt.

Kira is the eighth generation of the prominent Forbes family to be born in Bailey's Ravine.

Her mother, Lorelai Forbes Charvatt, is doing well and is excited about the birth of her daughter. She issued this statement to the paper:

"I want to thank the wonderful people of Bailey's Ravine for being so kind to my family. We have received many of your beautiful gifts for Kira. This community is the most generous in all of Sim City."

Lorelai's husband, Robbie Charvatt and her father, Isaac Reeves Forbes, is also happy about the birth.

"We are very excited and blessed to have such a beautiful daughter to carry on Lorelai's family." Robbie Charvatt announced from his wife's side.

The following pictures were submitted by the family to the paper upon the birth of Kira Louise.

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Monday, June 26, 2006

Lorelai's Wedding

My wedding was the best day of my life!

I wore a beautiful new dress I bought just for that day. I had my hair and makeup done as well. I wanted to look completely different for the big day.

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Robbie and I got married in the chapel on my family's property. It was as lovely as always. As I joined him in the archway at the large windows, I thought about how the other brides in my family must have felt as they stood at this same spot. I looked into Robbie's eyes as we said our vows and couldn't believe all the love I felt at that moment.

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Michelle and my dad were there to see me married. It was a wonderful feeling to look out at them clapping for us.

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The reception was a blast, a party like only I could throw! We danced and ate such wonderful food. Robbie was so cute when I tried to feed him a piece of cake.

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Married life has been wonderful. Robbie likes music just as much and Dad and I, so we love to all play together. We sound pretty good too.

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Dad's portrait has been hung on the wall in the hallway upstairs. Mine will join it soon.

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I know that Robbie and I haven't been married very long, but we didn't want to wait to start a family. I told them the news tonight - I'm expecting a baby! Robbie and Dad were very happy.

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Michelle even came to visit. We had a great talk.

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Life is so wonderful right now, I almost feel like something has to happen to make it become terrible.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Generation 7 Finishes College

Lorelai Forbes here. I cannot believe that I am a college graduate! I never thought it would happen. I couldn't decide on my major, then when I decided I hardly went to class. I just did the papers and stayed home or went on a date.

We remodeled the house with some of our scholarship money.

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We put in a bowling alley on the top floor and added some instruments.

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The bottom floor is pretty much the same. We still only have one bathroom, which can cause a problem sometimes.

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We also added a pool. That has been a lot of fun.

This was Michelle.

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She likes to study and be all serious.

This was me.

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Always a party!

I had a few interesting dates. One was a professor of mine. He could really play the guitar.

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But this guy, he is the one! I know it!

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His name is Robbie. He works for the pest control company. I called him out on purpose even when we didn't have any bugs just so I could ask him on a date! Isn't he cute! I love him so much! And he likes to sing just like me.

Michelle also found someone. She's in love with Elise, our pizza delivery girl.

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This guy in a Llama costume came over and just walked into our house! Then he hit me with a water balloon!

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I so wanted to rip his head off!

Anyway, that was college. We did finish and graduated. Here is Michelle's graduation photo.

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I don't have one. I was too busy at my party to have a picture made.

Well, I'm back at home now, and Robbie and I are doing very well. We're planning our wedding, and I hope to have a really nice dress to wear for the event. Michelle and Elise will be there too, and we'll have a great time, I know it. If anything, I know how to throw a party!

I do wish Mom could be here, but since we do live in a haunted house, I'm sure she will be there in spirit.

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Comments are Moderated

I had to turn on comment moderation for the time being. If you have a valid comment about the game, the story line, the blog, please comment. If it's not about the game or the blog then don't bother, the post will just go to cyber heaven.

**I'm keeping this post up top for a while. To see new postings of the story, scroll down.**

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Generation 7 Teenagers

My girls are in high school. I can't believe how quickly the time has passed. They spend their mornings at school, then they come home and work on college applications and skills for their major. Lorelai enjoys cooking and creative things, like me. She likes to play the drums and grow plants in Dom's old plant stand.

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Michelle is more active. She enjoys cooking as well, but she especially enjoys working out at the punching bag or swimming in the pool. She said she's going to tackle the obstacle course out back next time she trains.

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Both girls enjoy being together and are looking forward to moving into the Forbes house with each other.

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When they want to have fun, they like to dance with their friends or play pool in the family room.

They do miss their mother every day. Lorelai likes to visit the cemetery and talk to Cara. The girls have come to me and stated their wishes for the estate. Michelle wants to move on after college and have her own life in an athletics program. Lorelai has said she would be happy to stay in the house to oversee the estate and carry on our family's legacy.

Both girls are concerned about their mother's mental health. What if her problems have been passed down to them? Neither of my girls wants to become angry and unforgiving towards their future children. My answer to them is that they want different things in life than their mother wanted. She wanted a large family, and when her health wouldn't allow that she changed. She also wanted a perfect family, a family who was neat and clean and never disorderly. Well, she married a guy with no neatness skills whatever. I mean, we do have a maid, you know. My no-neatness skills have carried over into my daughters as well, so we're a messy bunch. She just couldn't handle it. I told them to go after their own goals and love their children and it will work out just fine.

**Michelle is popularity and Lorelai is pleasure**

Friday, June 16, 2006

Cara Cracks

I cannot believe what happened last night. It's too horrible for words.

I got up late because I couldn't sleep. I went into the kitchen for a snack. Cara was in the kitchen. She was crying and pleading with me about having another baby. When I refused to continue the conversation, she took out this huge pair of scissors and started running around the kitchen!

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She ran from one side to another, yelling about how I was holding her back.

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Suddenly, she dropped the scissors and stared at her hand. She'd cut herself! Before I could reach her she had fallen to the floor and was still.

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The girls miss their mother terribly and they don't understand why she would do this to herself. Frankly, I don't understand either. I know Cara wasn't happy here with us. Even though she loved the girls and claimed to love me, she was get furious with us for no reason. Well, she complained a lot about having to clean the bathroom up behind me and the girls, but is that cause to give us the silent treatment for days on end or mope around for weeks and not speak to anyone?

She has been laid to rest in the family cemetery out back, her favorite flowers planted over her grave. I hope she can now find peace.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Cara Speaks

Hush, little baby, don't say a word...Shh, Flour, Mama is talking.

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This is Cara Forbes. I know what my husband has been saying. He says something is wrong with me because I love my daughters and want them to do well in school. He thinks that I spend too much time helping them with homework and not being there for him. Well, that's just not true. Yes, I do have the girls on my mind a lot. Yes, I do help them with homework. If I didn't, Michelle would have failed third grade! He's always off at some party, he's not home to help them, so I have to help them.

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He took away my dream, my dream of having 6 kids all get married right here at the chapel. Now I only have my 2 girls, and he tells me only one will inherit his family home. Only one! Why is that? Both my girls are precious little pearls given by God above and both are worthy.

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Sometimes I want a baby so badly I can hear one crying out to me, so I have my little Flour. I love my little Flour so much, and she'll never grow up and leave me behind, no she won't, will you little Flour?

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Is that so crazy? If I'm crazy, he made me that way, bringing me home to this haunted house where I can't sleep for an hour without some ghost scaring me or sticking their head through the refrigerator or floating up the stairs and looking at me. I'm scared that Isaac is going to let the ghosts have me. I told him that one night and he said "Don't be silly, we already have a pink ghost." Then he went out to a party. A pink ghost? What does that mean? Does it mean he'll get rid of me some other way and I'll be a colored ghost floating through this house, just like the others before me?

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I have seriously thought about leaving Isaac, but I can't leave my girls, so I'll stay. I love them too much to leave them here in this house alone. But my little Flour will always be with me, won't you Flour?

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Twins Go to School

Lorelai and Michelle began school today. Aren't they beautiful?

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Michelle is the one on the left with the short hair. She was tired and didn't want to go to school. Lorelai was happy and excited.

Cara is really beginning to concern me. She has thrown herself even more into the girl's life since they are beginning school. She has met the principal and the teachers, she volunteers at their classroom, she helps them with homework. When she's not doing that, she's still carrying around her flour sack. I think she needs to see the doctor again, but she insists that nothing is wrong. She is almost totally ignoring me now. I can't kiss her or touch her without her moving away. She hides in the bathroom and cries. It's like her entire mind is caught up in the girls and that's all that matters to her. I love my girls too, but I also love my wife and need her with me just as much as the girls need a mother. I don't know what to do.

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Girls Grow Up

I can't believe how fast my girls are growing! It seemed like only a few days passed before we had their party and they became toddlers.

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Lorelai is my girly girl. She likes dresses and and all things pink.

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For some reason someone gave us a little toddler tuxedo for Michelle. It's a bit strange, but she likes it. She's our little tomboy.

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I have to admit I'm worried about Cara, though. Since deciding not to have more children, she is throwing herself into the twins life. She is constantly teaching them things, how to walk, talk, potty training them. We have a nanny to help out, but Cara insists on doing most of the care herself. The problem is that she tends to ignore me. I try to kiss her and she asks me something about the girls. Sometimes she walks around with a dazed look on her face, carrying a flour sack. She says nothing is wrong, but I think she's hiding something from me.

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