Thursday, June 15, 2006

Cara Speaks

Hush, little baby, don't say a word...Shh, Flour, Mama is talking.

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This is Cara Forbes. I know what my husband has been saying. He says something is wrong with me because I love my daughters and want them to do well in school. He thinks that I spend too much time helping them with homework and not being there for him. Well, that's just not true. Yes, I do have the girls on my mind a lot. Yes, I do help them with homework. If I didn't, Michelle would have failed third grade! He's always off at some party, he's not home to help them, so I have to help them.

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He took away my dream, my dream of having 6 kids all get married right here at the chapel. Now I only have my 2 girls, and he tells me only one will inherit his family home. Only one! Why is that? Both my girls are precious little pearls given by God above and both are worthy.

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Sometimes I want a baby so badly I can hear one crying out to me, so I have my little Flour. I love my little Flour so much, and she'll never grow up and leave me behind, no she won't, will you little Flour?

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Is that so crazy? If I'm crazy, he made me that way, bringing me home to this haunted house where I can't sleep for an hour without some ghost scaring me or sticking their head through the refrigerator or floating up the stairs and looking at me. I'm scared that Isaac is going to let the ghosts have me. I told him that one night and he said "Don't be silly, we already have a pink ghost." Then he went out to a party. A pink ghost? What does that mean? Does it mean he'll get rid of me some other way and I'll be a colored ghost floating through this house, just like the others before me?

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I have seriously thought about leaving Isaac, but I can't leave my girls, so I'll stay. I love them too much to leave them here in this house alone. But my little Flour will always be with me, won't you Flour?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear ... so THAT'S why she's so nutty! It's her HUSBAND'S fault! Isn't that always the way?! :O(( Well, I hope she snaps out of it. Or I hope she has a heart-to-heart with her heartless husband. Did he REALLY say he didn't want more kids??

6:17 PM  

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