Saturday, March 25, 2006

General Update and Upcoming Events

So much has happened in the last few weeks.

The twins had a birthday and started school. Here is their picture. Greg is in the red shirt and Henry is in the orange. Sometimes they like to switch their clothes around so I mix them up. They think it's funny :)

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I worked in the family cemetery the other day with our gardener. I decided to take a picture of it. I want to make it a peaceful place for my ancestors to rest.

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The big news, of course, is Dagmar's trial next week. I don't know if I'm going to go. It will be difficult to see her, knowing what she did. I'll have to think about it.

Frank keeps asking about his father.

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I finally told him the truth - that I didn't know who is father was. I told him about the drinking and the men I dated when I was younger. While I do still date, he does admit that it's not as often, especially since the twins were born. I guess I am more picky now that I'm older. Anyway, Frank says he wants to know who these men were. He wants to find them and see if they are his father. I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, I want him to find meaning in his life, but what is he going to do? Go up to each guy and say "My mom slept with you about 18 years ago. Can you do a blood test to see if you're my dad?"

Frank will be going off to college as soon as Dagmar's trial is over. He says he will start the search there. Maybe after he closes this part of his life, then we can repair our relationship as well.

**Dagmar's trial - Part 1 will be posted tomorrow!

Twins stats - Both Aries, 6 neat, 9 outgoing, 6 active, 4 serious and 3 grouchy. They are exactly alike!**


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are the twins alike in general appearance as well? If so, you can clain to have IDENTICAL twins! CONGRATS! They even have the same Zodiac! :O))

7:15 PM  
Blogger Admin said...

They were identical as kids, but they are teens now (photos coming up soon) and they look slightly different as teens. One is more studious than the other one and they do have different aspirations since I rolled them.

Well, they should have the same zodiac since they are twins :) I'm surprised that they have the same personality points, though.

9:05 PM  

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