Saturday, March 25, 2006

Birthdays and More

It has been crazy in this house! The twins are now toddlers and they get into everything!

This is Greg...

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And this is Henry...

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Wyatt still comes by about once a week to see them.

Frank doesn't like me very much right now. I was on a date with Ron and he just went off! He is now a teenager and is asking a lot about his father. How can I tell him that I don't know who he is? He actually called me a slut the other day! How can I explain my feelings about men to my son, for goodness sake?

Here is a picture that I took of Frank on his birthday. Whenever I look at it, I am reminded of someone. I guess that would make sense, though, since I obviously dated and boinked the kid's dad.

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Frank really wants to go to college. He also said he's going to find his father. I don't know how he plans to do that. God, when I think about all the lovers I've had since college...

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**Franklin Forbes, knowledge Sim, LTW - Mad Scientist, Sagitarius, 0 neat, 9 outgoing, 10 active, 10 playful, 3 grouchy. I plan to re-roll him in college since I already have a knowledge ancestor who was a mad scientist.**


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Y'see ... having your own child calling you a slut should tell you something. Oh yeah. And WOO! Look at the wide assortment of guys! And what if you reroll in college and he STILL ends up a knowledge sim? ;O)

7:13 PM  
Blogger Admin said...

Oh, I hope he doesn't end up a knowledge sim while in college :( But even if he does, no one says that I HAVE to complete the LTW, right?

9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that's pretty harsh of Frank. I hope he has luck finding his father.

6:52 PM  

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